There are a range of additional government and community supports which you may be eligible to access. Our team will provide additional information to enable you to investigate these further.
- Child Disability Allowance – irrespective of income, this payment aids with additional weekly costs
- National Travel Assistance (NTA) – supporting travel to providers funded under the Ministry of Health. Read information on the website in regard to claims and distance
- Disability Support Link (DSL) – Needs Assessments; provides access to Respite Care, Personal Cares and Individualised Funding
- Enabling Good Lives (EGL) – an alternate funding package for carers of children with complex needs
- Childcare Subsidy (WINZ) – additional funding to support to access Early Childhood Education
- Cerebral Palsy Society – membership provides access to funded programmes
- Seating To Go
- Waikato DHB Child Development Centre