Our service is governed as a Charitable Trust.

We are a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), and a Not-for-Profit (NFP).

We have a Trust Deed, which outlines the rules for our Trust, and a Charter document that defines our service provision.

Although we are affiliated with the New Zealand Foundation of Conductive Education (NZFCE), our Centre is an independent provider to our community.

One of the strengths of our service in the community is the ability to be responsive to the unique characteristics of the community. This is, however, dependent of staff skill base, financial stability and client engagement – and these factors are dependent on good governance and management.

To enable our service to be sustainable and financially stable we need a Board of Trustees who – while supporting our service to meet the requirements and obligations of our funders, government legislation and public interest – is committed to understanding the sector we work within.

The changing requirements for the NFP sector require that the interests of a range of stakeholders must be balanced to ensure financial stability and mission-focus. Trusts in this sector need a range of skills and networks to achieve this balance.

Trustees, or officers of a charitable entity, are responsible for ensuring that their organisation is run in accordance with its rules and the requirements of the Charities Act 2005. In particular, an officer/trustee needs to ensure that their organisation’s funds and assets are used to advance the charitable purpose of the organisation. Our organisation’s charitable purpose is stated in our rules document, available on the Charities website (Registered Charitable No. CC33966). One of the most important roles of an officer/trustee is to have a thorough understanding of these rules.

The Trust is supported by the families of children who access or who have accessed our service and believe in the positive benefits of this unique programme.

Being a Trustee can be a personally rewarding experience. If you feel that you have skills to offer that may assist our Service in maintaining and future growth, please contact our Centre for more information.

Current Members of our Trust are:


Our History


Our Services